Eric Weschke
Eric Weschke, with over 30 years of financial services experience and a multitude of industry recognitions, has dedicated his career to empowering individuals with financial education and planning, driven by his family’s history on Wall Street and his own extensive expertise in investment and financial strategy. Living in Long Island, NY, Eric’s passion is ensuring his clients achieve financial stability and peace of mind in their retirement.

How You Can Engage With Eric Weschke?
Discover The Strategy Used By The Mega Investors Like Yale, Harvard, and MIT That Allow Them To Consistently Produce Results.
Work with Eric
Book your free, no-pressure call today. Discover what it means to have financial freedom and peace of mind.
Learn from Eric
Register for a free upcoming class to learn how to build an investment strategy to let you live the your dream life.

Beat The System
With The AdvancedFolio Process we'll help you take control of your financial future and make sure that you can make the best possible plans and decisions to prepare for any scenario. Our first priority is to put your interests first, and help you make the best financial decision for you and your entire family. As fiduciaries, we're committed to treating and protecting our client's assets as if they're our own.
- Retirement Income
- 401K Plans
- Legacy Planning
- Social Security
- Create, Monitor And Implement Your Financial Goals
- Fiduciary Advice
Meet Eric Weschke
There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing.
Renowned across the U.S. for leading retirement strategy talks for major corporations as a celebrated national speaker
Led a Senior Executive Syndicate, orchestrating a pivotal $20 million Initial Public Bond Offering
Managed pivotal trades for IGHL's Institutional Pension Fund, executing high-stakes investment orders
Awarded Advisor of the Year by Comprehensive Planning in 2003
Wrote on technical analysis and market trends as Swing-Trader Market News Letter's Chief Technical Analyst
Published Nationally as the #1 Representative in the USA for Northwestern Mutual